• 최종편집 2023-08-07(월)

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  • 윤석열 대통령, 국정 지지율 1%p 하락 35%
    [365산업경제뉴스DB] 윤석열 대통령의 국정 지지율이 소폭 하락했다는 여론조사 결과가 나왔다.4일 한국갤럽이 지난달 30일부터 지난 1일까지 전국 만 18세 이상 1002명을 대상으로 조사한 결과 윤 대통령 직무에 대한 긍정 평가는 35%, 부정 평가는 57%로 각각 나타났다.한편 이번 조사는 무선(95%)·유선(5%) 전화조사원 인터뷰 방식으로 진행됐고 오차범위는 95% 신뢰수준 ±3.1%포인트, 응답률은 10.4%이다.자세한 내용은 중앙선거여론조사심의위원회 홈페이지를 참조하면 된다.
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  • '병역법 위반' 축구 국가대표 출신 석현준
    [석현준/ 365산업경제뉴스DB] 병무청의 해외 체류 허가 기간 내에 귀국하지 않은 혐의로 재판에 넘겨진 축구 국가대표 출신 공격수 석현준이 1심에서 징역형의 집행유예를 선고받았다.수원지법 형사13단독 김재학 판사는 1일 병역법 위반 혐의로 기소된 석현준에게 징역 8월에 집행유예 2년을 선고했다. 석현준은 프랑스에서 체류하던 중 병무청으로부터 2019년 6월 3일까지 귀국하라는 통보에도 불구하고 정당한 사유 없이 정해진 기간에 귀국하지 않은 혐의로 재판에 넘겨졌다.그는 2018년 11월 프랑스로 출국한 뒤 2019년 3월 국외 이주 목적으로 체류 기간 연장 신청을 했으나 거부됐다.앞서 검찰은 "피고인은 귀국하라는 통보 이전에 여러 차례 해외 체류 연장신청을 했으며, 귀국 통보일로부터 1년이 지난 시점에서야 귀국했다."라며 징역 1년을 구형한 바 있다.
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  • 더불어민주당 대표 이재명 "윤석열 정부는 3·1운동 정신을 망각하고 훼손"
    [365산업경제뉴스 DB] 더불어민주당 대표 이재명은 지난 1일 "윤석열 정부가 3·1운동 정신을 망각하고, 훼손하고 있다"고 주장했다.이 대표는 이날 3·1절을 맞아 자신의 사회관계망서비스(SNS)에 "미래지향적 한일 관계를 만들자는데 반대할 국민은 없지만, 역사적 책임과 합당한법적 배상 없이 신뢰 구축은 불가능하다며"며 이같이 밝혔다. 이 대표는 "강제징용 피해자를 관계 개선의 걸림돌로 취급하며 우리 기업에 책임을 떠넘기는 일, 국민 안전이 달린 후쿠시마 원전 오염수 방류에 침묵하는 일, '다케시마의 날'에 진행되는 한미일 군사훈련 모두 굴종·종속 외교"라고 비판했다.이어 "윤석열 정부가 부디 역사적 교훈을 잊지 않길 바란다"며 "선열들께서 목 놓아 외친 자주독립은 '내 운명을 내 손으로 결정하지 못한 채 외세에 끌려다녀선 안 된다'는 자각에 근거했다"고 강조했다.이 대표는 "미중 갈등의 파고와 한반도 위기 속 해법은 이분법적 양자택일 외교가 아니라 국민을 지키는 '국익 중심 실용 외교'"라며 "민주당은 3·1정신을 계승해 '국익 중심 실용주의 외교'의 길로 나아가도록 책임을 다하겠다"고 말했다.그러면서 "윤석열 정부가 평화와 국익을 저버리려 한다면 온힘을 다해 견제할 것"이라며 "그것이 모진 고난 앞에서도 자주독립의 열망을 잃지 않은 선열들의 헌신을 기리는 길"이라고 덧붙였다.
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  • 이재명 체포 동의안 부결..
    [365산업경제뉴스DB] 이재명 더불어민주당 체포동의안(체포안)이 국회에서 최종 부결됐다. 찬성이 반대보다 1표 더 나왔지만 기권·무효표가 20표 발생해 과반 찬성을 얻지는 못했다.27일 김진표 국회의장은 국회 본회의에서 이같은 체포안 표결 결과를 발표했다. 표결은 이날 오후 3시쯤 무기명으로 진행됐지만 개표 중 부(不)와 무효표를 가늠할 수 없는 표가 2장 나와 30여분간 개표가 지연된 바 있다.이날 표결 결과는 총 297명 중 찬성 139명, 반대 138명, 무표 11명, 기권 9명이다. 체포동의안 가결 요건은 재적 과반의 출석, 출석 과반의 찬성이 가결 요건이라 149명 이상의 찬성이 필요했다.민주당이 당초 목표했던 170표 이상의 부결표 확보에는 실패했다. 이날 민주당은 169인 전원이 표결에 참석했지만 정황상 민주당 측에서 30여 표의 이탈이 발생한 것으로 보인다. 국민의힘은 이날 재적 122명 중 114명이, 정의당은 6명 전원이 참석했다. 국민의힘과 정의당 모두 체포안 가결 의사를 밝힌 바 있다.
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  • 더불어민주당의 대표 이재명 체포동의안 국회 본회의 보고... 27일 표결 예정
    [사진출처 = 이재명 인스타그램] 이재명 더불어민주당의 대표 체포동의안이 지난 24일 국회 본회의에 보고됐다. 오는 27일 표결이 이뤄질 예정이다. 이재명 대표 체포동의안은 이날 오후 국회에서 열린 본회의에서 보고됐다.앞서 서울중앙지검 반부패수사1부(엄희준 부장검사)·3부(강백신 부장검사)는 지난 16일 특정경제범죄가중처벌법상 배임·이해충돌방지법 위반, 부패방지법 위반, 특정범죄가중처벌법상 뇌물·범죄수익은닉규제법위반 혐의로 이 대표에 대해 구속영장을 청구했다.
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  • 윤석열 대통령 "소아 의료체계 강화"
    [365산업경제뉴스DB] 윤석열 대통령이 "아이들이 건강하게 자랄 수 있도록 정부가 소아 의료체계 강화를 위해 모든 지원을 아끼지 않겠다"고 밝혔다.지난 (22일) 윤석열 대통령은 서울대학교 어린이병원을 찾아 의료진, 전문가, 소아 환자 가족 등과 소아진료 정책간담회를 갖고 이같이 전했다. 이어 "소아의료체계, 긴급 의료체계, 24시간 상담, 중증 소아진료체계 등 보강을 해서 아이들이 잘 커나갈 수 있도록 의료계와 힘을 합쳐서 해야겠다는 판단이 든다"고 말했다.
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실시간 정치 기사

  • U.S. imposes sanctions on 5 North Korean entities over recent ICBM tests
    [A railway-born missile is launched during a drill at an undisclosed location in North Korea in this photo released Saturday. (File photo by=KCNA / VIA REUTERS)] WASHINGTON: The United States on Friday imposed fresh sanctions on five North Korean entities involved in the North's recent missile tests that included its first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch in over four years.The five entities include the North's Ministry of Rocket Industry (MoRI), according to the Department of the Treasury. "Today's action targets a DPRK WMD research and development organization that is directly linked to the development of new ICBMs, along with four of its revenue-generating subsidiaries," the department said in a press release. North Korea launched an apparent ICBM last Thursday, ending its self-imposed moratorium on long-range missile testing that had been in place since November 2017.The treasury department noted two North Korean missile tests, staged Feb. 27 and March 5 (Seoul time), had also been related to testing a new ICBM system, as earlier identified by the U.S. intelligence community.The five entities added to the Office of Foreign Assets Control's list include four subsidiaries of the North Korean rocket industry ministry. They are Hapjanggang Trading Corporation, Korea Rounsan Trading Corporation, Sungnisan Trading Corporation and Unchon Trading Corporation. "These trading companies have pursued various activities likely aimed at generating revenue for MoRI," said the press release, adding that such activities included establishing joint ventures in North Korea, pursuing large-scale projects with Chinese firms and exporting North Korean labor.
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  • North Korea leader urges 'ideological offensive' by propaganda officials
    [North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un was speaking on Friday at the end of the 4th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) last January 2022. (File photo by=Reuters)] SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un took a commemorative photo in person with the participants of a workshop of the ruling party's propaganda officials and called for accelerated "revolution through a powerful ideological offensive," according to the country's state media Friday. Apparently, Kim paid keen attention to the workshop, which opened in Pyongyang on Monday and brought together officials in the "information field" of the Workers' Party of Korea. He sent a letter to the attendees on the first day of the event and met with them for the photo session Thursday, according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). He expressed "belief that the participants in the workshop would hold fast to the Juche theory of giving importance to ideology as the motive force of innovation, creation, and advance and dynamically accelerate our revolution through a powerful ideological offensive," the KCNA reported. Juche means self-reliance. The workshop was held at a time when the Kim regime is intensifying its provocative stance, highlighted by the launch of a long-range missile last week. The North has often sought to tighten social discipline and rally internal unity in the face of growing pressure from the international community over its provocations leading to the escalation of regional tensions.
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  • COVAX cuts all COVID-19 vaccines allocated for North Korea: global charity
    [North Korean media have been open about the risks of the virus - and the efforts to combat it. (File photo by=/KCNA VIA KNS)] SEOUL: North Korea no longer has COVID-19 vaccines allocated for its people under the COVAX Facility initiative, an international group co-leading the vaccine-sharing program confirmed Friday. The announcement came amid a protracted setback in shipment-related efforts apparently attributable to lack of cooperation from the country's reclusive regime. "COVAX has no concrete allocations for DPRK currently," a spokesperson for the Gavi vaccine alliance told Yonhap News Agency, using the acronym for the North's official name, Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The vaccines that weren’t accepted by the North were "re-allocated to other countries so the doses could be used in a timely fashion," the official added, citing the organization's 2022 policy of "needs-based vaccine allocations." The U.N. Children's Fund's COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dashboard also showed no vaccines had been allocated to the North as of early Friday, reflecting COVAX's decision to cut 1.29 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccines previously set aside for Pyongyang.The spokesperson, however, stated, "We will offer doses to DPRK in subsequent allocation rounds should the country decide to introduce COVID-19 immunizations as part of the national pandemic response." North Korea has not responded so far to the offer, claiming to be coronavirus-free, with strict border controls in place against the pandemic. In February, COVAX reportedly canceled a batch of 252,000 Covovax vaccines developed by Novavax Inc. allocated for Pyongyang.
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  • North Korea calls on party officials to wipe out anti-socialist practices
    [The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) concluded a key ruling party meeting on Friday, state media Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) reported. (Photo by= CGTN)] SEOUL: North Korea reiterated calls for the ruling party's propaganda officials to help weed out anti-socialist and non-socialist practices, as it wrapped up a three-day workshop, according to state media Thursday. The workshop for officials in the information field of the ruling Workers' Party concluded the previous day with a study session on prioritizing ideological work as the "very core of the Party work," the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported. "The workshop called for regarding it as the general orientation and target of the Party ideological work to model the entire Party and the whole society on the respected Comrade Kim Jong-un's revolutionary idea," it added. Officials were urged to "concentrate all rabble-rousing forces" on improving peoples' living standards and carry out a "fierce campaign" against anti-socialism and non-socialism. During the workshop, the North also held a lecture warning officials to stay alert against the "imperialists' moves for ideological and cultural poisoning. "On the first day of the workshop Monday, the North's leader sent a letter to the party officials, urging them to wage a battle in rooting out "evil spirits" of anti-socialism and bring fundamental change to their ideological work. During the workshop, the North also held a lecture warning officials to stay alert against the "imperialists' moves for ideological and cultural poisoning."
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  • U.S. monitor says Satellite imagery shows 'unusual' movement of North Korean ballistic missile submarine
    [A submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) is launched from 3,000 ton class Dosan Ahn Chang-ho submarine during its test at an undisclosed location in this handout picture provided by the Defense Ministry, September 15, 2021. (Photo by=The Defense Ministry/Handout via REUTERS)] WASHINGTON: New satellite imagery of Sinpo South Shipyard has shown "unusual movement" of North Korea's experimental ballistic missile submarine that may indicate a possible submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) test in the future, a U.S. monitor said Wednesday. "Satellite image collected on March 22 shows unusual movement of the 8.24 Yongung (August 24th Hero) experimental ballistic missile submarine (SSBA) within the secure boat basin," Beyond Parallel, a project of the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, said in a report released on its website. The U.S. monitor said the submarine was seen moving out from underneath a canopy that usually covers it. "The exact purpose for moving the submarine is unknown, but it is likely related to ongoing modifications, continued repair work, preparations for an upcoming submarine-launched ballistic missile SLBM test, a component of a strategic deception plan, or a combination of these and other reasons," it said. "The 8.24 Yongung plays a critical role in the under-way development of SLBMs, ballistic missile submarine technology, and operational procedures. It is also an indispensable tool for the hands-on training of new submariners," it added. North Korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) last week, marking its first ICBM launch in over four years since November 2017.
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  • SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un called on the ruling party's propaganda officials to wage a battle in rooting out "evil spirits"
    [Combined photos of Noh Kyu-duk, the special representative for Korean Peninsula peace and security affairs (R), and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov (Combined photos by=IANS_ARCH)] SEOUL: Seoul's foreign ministry said that the chief nuclear envoys of South Korea and Russia held a phone conversation Tuesday to discuss the security situation on the Korean Peninsula following North Korea's test-firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Noh Kyu-duk, the special representative for Korean Peninsula peace and security affairs, talked with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov to share assessments of Pyongyang's recent ICBM test and work together to stably manage the situation in the region, according to the ministry. Noh stressed the international community's "unified response" to bring the North back to the negotiating table and called for Russia to play a "constructive role" to that end, it said. The U.N. Security Council convened an emergency meeting following North Korea's ICBM test on March 24, but it failed to adopt a press statement condemning the reclusive regime's latest missile launch due to opposition from China and Russia.
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  • North Korea leader urges party officials to eradicate anti-socialist practices
    [The 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) has opened in Pyongyang last January 5, 2021. (Photo from waltainfo/ KCNA)] SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un called on the ruling party's propaganda officials to wage a battle in rooting out "evil spirits" of anti-socialism and bring fundamental change in their ideological work, state media reported Tuesday. In a letter sent to officials serving in the information field of the ruling Workers' Party (WPK) who were present at a workshop in Pyongyang the previous day, Kim stressed the need to "concentrate the ideological campaign on anti-socialist and non-socialist practice in a minute way," according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). "Mass oppressive offensive and social struggle atmosphere should be raised continuously and methodologically to beat all kinds of negative phenomena that gnaw away at our revolutionary position and crush them without mercy," Kim wrote. Kim emphasized the party officials should become "powerful loudspeakers and hi-fi amplifiers" in spreading the Party Central Committee's ideas "down to the lowest unit correctly in time." He urged officials at the Information and Publicity Department of the ruling party's Central Committee to become a "control tower" of the party's ideological front. Meanwhile, an official at South Korea's Ministry of Unification, which handles inter-Korean affairs, said the latest workshop appears to be part of Pyongyang's efforts to tighten discipline and unity among party officials.
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  • Database formed on human rights abuse in North Korea's penal facilities: British group
    [For the online archive, the North Korean Prison Database, Korea Future said it has conducted 259 detailed in-person interviews with survivors, perpetrators, and witnesses for nine months from March last year. (File photo by=Open Doors USA)] SEOUL: A London-based nonprofit organization has launched a comprehensive database of human rights violations and atrocities involving the North Korean penal system, its website showed Tuesday. "A vast system of penal facilities extends across North Korea," Korea Future said. "The construction of these facilities -- capable of detaining hundreds of thousands of people suspected or accused of crimes -- has enabled extensive and egregious violations of international law with catastrophic human consequences." The group says it is committed to advancing accountability for widespread and grave violations of human rights in North Korea. For the online archive, the North Korean Prison Database, Korea Future said it has conducted 259 detailed in-person interviews with survivors, perpetrators, and witnesses for nine months from March last year. To date, it added, "We have identified 597 perpetrators linked to 5,181 human rights violations committed against 785 detainees in 148 penal facilities." The cases occurred between 1991 and 2019, according to the group, which is campaigning to accelerate justice and accountability. It plans to update the database on a quarterly basis and provide international organizations with it if requested.
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    • 북한/국방
  • South Korea on alert for North Korea's additional provocations
    [The latest image released by North Korea shows Kim Jong Un inspecting a device with a metal casing (Photo by=AFP)] SEOUL: South Korea's unification ministry expressed concerns Monday about the possibility of an accidental clash with North Korea along their border, as Pyongyang is ratcheting up tensions with a series of major missile tests. In a report to the National Assembly committee on foreign affairs and unification, the ministry said it will stay alert to prevent the occurrence of "accidental clashes" in the inter-Korean border areas, including around the Northern Limit Line (NLL), the de facto maritime border between the two Koreas. The North test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile last week, and speculation is rampant that it may be gearing up for a nuclear test. During a press briefing earlier in the day, the ministry stressed that South Korea is closely monitoring North Korea's activities in cooperation with the United States amid signs of the secretive North repairing its nuclear testing site. It urged Pyongyang to immediately cease all relevant activities and return to the negotiating table. Meanwhile, speaking to lawmakers at the meeting, Unification Minister Lee In-young said the government is keeping a close eye on the possibility that the North will carry out a nuclear test, linked with the miniaturization of a bomb or the development of multiple warheads.
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  • North Korea opens photo exhibition marking decade of leader's rule
    [North Korean soldiers take photos of a portrait of their late leader Kim Jong Il at a flower festival with a model of North Korea''s newest satellite Kwangmyongsong 4, left, on display as part of the celebrations. (File photo by=Wong Maye-E/AP)] SEOUL: North Korea has kicked off a photo exhibition commemorating a decade of its leader Kim Jong-un's rule, state media reported Monday, working up a festive mood ahead of major political anniversaries next month. An opening ceremony for the exhibition marking 10 years since Kim took the helm of the nation opened in Pyongyang the previous day, according to the North's main newspaper Rodong Sinmun. Kim was named "first secretary" of the ruling Workers' Party on April 11, 2012, and the first chairman of the National Defense Commission two days later, following the death of his father Kim Jong-il in Dec. 2011. The exhibition features photo and video materials of the leader's activities during his rule, including that of Kim giving a speech at an event marking the 76th founding anniversary of the ruling party last year, the paper said. The North is also preparing to mark the 110th birth anniversary of Kim's late grandfather and national founder Kim Il-sung on April 15 and the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army on April 25. In time for the landmark anniversaries, observers say, the North is likely to stage a large-scale military parade and carry out additional weapons testing.
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