• 최종편집 2023-08-07(월)

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  • 윤석열 대통령, 국정 지지율 1%p 하락 35%
    [365산업경제뉴스DB] 윤석열 대통령의 국정 지지율이 소폭 하락했다는 여론조사 결과가 나왔다.4일 한국갤럽이 지난달 30일부터 지난 1일까지 전국 만 18세 이상 1002명을 대상으로 조사한 결과 윤 대통령 직무에 대한 긍정 평가는 35%, 부정 평가는 57%로 각각 나타났다.한편 이번 조사는 무선(95%)·유선(5%) 전화조사원 인터뷰 방식으로 진행됐고 오차범위는 95% 신뢰수준 ±3.1%포인트, 응답률은 10.4%이다.자세한 내용은 중앙선거여론조사심의위원회 홈페이지를 참조하면 된다.
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  • '병역법 위반' 축구 국가대표 출신 석현준
    [석현준/ 365산업경제뉴스DB] 병무청의 해외 체류 허가 기간 내에 귀국하지 않은 혐의로 재판에 넘겨진 축구 국가대표 출신 공격수 석현준이 1심에서 징역형의 집행유예를 선고받았다.수원지법 형사13단독 김재학 판사는 1일 병역법 위반 혐의로 기소된 석현준에게 징역 8월에 집행유예 2년을 선고했다. 석현준은 프랑스에서 체류하던 중 병무청으로부터 2019년 6월 3일까지 귀국하라는 통보에도 불구하고 정당한 사유 없이 정해진 기간에 귀국하지 않은 혐의로 재판에 넘겨졌다.그는 2018년 11월 프랑스로 출국한 뒤 2019년 3월 국외 이주 목적으로 체류 기간 연장 신청을 했으나 거부됐다.앞서 검찰은 "피고인은 귀국하라는 통보 이전에 여러 차례 해외 체류 연장신청을 했으며, 귀국 통보일로부터 1년이 지난 시점에서야 귀국했다."라며 징역 1년을 구형한 바 있다.
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  • 더불어민주당 대표 이재명 "윤석열 정부는 3·1운동 정신을 망각하고 훼손"
    [365산업경제뉴스 DB] 더불어민주당 대표 이재명은 지난 1일 "윤석열 정부가 3·1운동 정신을 망각하고, 훼손하고 있다"고 주장했다.이 대표는 이날 3·1절을 맞아 자신의 사회관계망서비스(SNS)에 "미래지향적 한일 관계를 만들자는데 반대할 국민은 없지만, 역사적 책임과 합당한법적 배상 없이 신뢰 구축은 불가능하다며"며 이같이 밝혔다. 이 대표는 "강제징용 피해자를 관계 개선의 걸림돌로 취급하며 우리 기업에 책임을 떠넘기는 일, 국민 안전이 달린 후쿠시마 원전 오염수 방류에 침묵하는 일, '다케시마의 날'에 진행되는 한미일 군사훈련 모두 굴종·종속 외교"라고 비판했다.이어 "윤석열 정부가 부디 역사적 교훈을 잊지 않길 바란다"며 "선열들께서 목 놓아 외친 자주독립은 '내 운명을 내 손으로 결정하지 못한 채 외세에 끌려다녀선 안 된다'는 자각에 근거했다"고 강조했다.이 대표는 "미중 갈등의 파고와 한반도 위기 속 해법은 이분법적 양자택일 외교가 아니라 국민을 지키는 '국익 중심 실용 외교'"라며 "민주당은 3·1정신을 계승해 '국익 중심 실용주의 외교'의 길로 나아가도록 책임을 다하겠다"고 말했다.그러면서 "윤석열 정부가 평화와 국익을 저버리려 한다면 온힘을 다해 견제할 것"이라며 "그것이 모진 고난 앞에서도 자주독립의 열망을 잃지 않은 선열들의 헌신을 기리는 길"이라고 덧붙였다.
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  • 이재명 체포 동의안 부결..
    [365산업경제뉴스DB] 이재명 더불어민주당 체포동의안(체포안)이 국회에서 최종 부결됐다. 찬성이 반대보다 1표 더 나왔지만 기권·무효표가 20표 발생해 과반 찬성을 얻지는 못했다.27일 김진표 국회의장은 국회 본회의에서 이같은 체포안 표결 결과를 발표했다. 표결은 이날 오후 3시쯤 무기명으로 진행됐지만 개표 중 부(不)와 무효표를 가늠할 수 없는 표가 2장 나와 30여분간 개표가 지연된 바 있다.이날 표결 결과는 총 297명 중 찬성 139명, 반대 138명, 무표 11명, 기권 9명이다. 체포동의안 가결 요건은 재적 과반의 출석, 출석 과반의 찬성이 가결 요건이라 149명 이상의 찬성이 필요했다.민주당이 당초 목표했던 170표 이상의 부결표 확보에는 실패했다. 이날 민주당은 169인 전원이 표결에 참석했지만 정황상 민주당 측에서 30여 표의 이탈이 발생한 것으로 보인다. 국민의힘은 이날 재적 122명 중 114명이, 정의당은 6명 전원이 참석했다. 국민의힘과 정의당 모두 체포안 가결 의사를 밝힌 바 있다.
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  • 더불어민주당의 대표 이재명 체포동의안 국회 본회의 보고... 27일 표결 예정
    [사진출처 = 이재명 인스타그램] 이재명 더불어민주당의 대표 체포동의안이 지난 24일 국회 본회의에 보고됐다. 오는 27일 표결이 이뤄질 예정이다. 이재명 대표 체포동의안은 이날 오후 국회에서 열린 본회의에서 보고됐다.앞서 서울중앙지검 반부패수사1부(엄희준 부장검사)·3부(강백신 부장검사)는 지난 16일 특정경제범죄가중처벌법상 배임·이해충돌방지법 위반, 부패방지법 위반, 특정범죄가중처벌법상 뇌물·범죄수익은닉규제법위반 혐의로 이 대표에 대해 구속영장을 청구했다.
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  • 윤석열 대통령 "소아 의료체계 강화"
    [365산업경제뉴스DB] 윤석열 대통령이 "아이들이 건강하게 자랄 수 있도록 정부가 소아 의료체계 강화를 위해 모든 지원을 아끼지 않겠다"고 밝혔다.지난 (22일) 윤석열 대통령은 서울대학교 어린이병원을 찾아 의료진, 전문가, 소아 환자 가족 등과 소아진료 정책간담회를 갖고 이같이 전했다. 이어 "소아의료체계, 긴급 의료체계, 24시간 상담, 중증 소아진료체계 등 보강을 해서 아이들이 잘 커나갈 수 있도록 의료계와 힘을 합쳐서 해야겠다는 판단이 든다"고 말했다.
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실시간 정치 기사

  • U.S. envoy calls on China to condemn North Korea's missile tests
    [The U.S. says the North's latest missile tests involving a new ICBM system did not demonstrate the range or capability of an ICBM but that the North may soon conduct an ICBM test "at full range," lifting its self-imposed moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile testing, which has been in place since late 2017. (Photo from DW News Website)] WASHINGTON: U.S. special envoy for North Korea Sung Kim has called on China to condemn North Korea's continued missile launches, the state department said Sunday. Kim also called on China to help bring North Korea back to dialogue in a phone conversation with his Chinese counterpart, Liu Xiaoming, according to department spokesperson Ned Price. The call was made Thursday, the same day the United States made a rare revelation of its intelligence that North Korea's recent missile tests on Feb. 27 and March 5 (Seoul time) had involved a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) system.' "Special Representative Kim strongly condemned the launches, which violated multiple UN Security Council resolutions and present a serious threat to international peace and security," Price said of the call in a press release. The U.S. says the North's latest missile tests involving a new ICBM system did not demonstrate the range or capability of an ICBM but that the North may soon conduct an ICBM test "at full range," lifting its self-imposed moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile testing, which has been in place since late 2017.Earlier reports have also said the North appears to be repairing its Punggye-ri nuclear test site, which it purportedly demolished in 2018.
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  • South Korea says no new notification from North Korea on Mt. Kumgang facilities
    [North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspects the Mount Kumgang tourist resort, North Korea, in this undated picture released by North Korea's Central News Agency (KCNA) Oct. 23, 2019. (File photo by= KCNA via Reuters)] SEOUL: South Korea said Monday it has not received any additional notification from North Korea on the fate of South Korean-built facilities at its Mount Kumgang resort despite reports of indications that Pyongyang has started work to remove them. Signs of the North dismantling some of the resort's facilities along the North's east coast have been spotted amid intensifying tensions on the peninsula attributable to the secretive regime's saber-rattling, an informed source shared. In October 2019, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un ordered authorities to remove them. Months later, Pyongyang informed Seoul of its decision to postpone the removal work apparently as part of efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Lee Jong-joo, the spokesperson for the South's Ministry of Unification, told a press briefing that the government hasn’t been given any additional notification by the North regarding the issue. "There shouldn't be unilateral measures by the North that infringe upon our companies' property rights and all (relevant) issues should be resolved through consultations between the South and the North," she said. Launched in 1998, the Mount Kumgang tour project was once regarded as a key symbol of inter-Korean reconciliation and economic cooperation. It’s suspended in 2008 after a North Korean guard killed a South Korean tourist near the resort for allegedly intruding into an off-limits area.
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  • Top nuclear envoys of South Korea, U.S., Japan hold phone talks over North Korea
    [A file photo of U-2S spy plane. (Photo by=Staff Sgt. Andrea Knudson via AF.mil)] SEOUL: Seoul's foreign ministry said that the top nuclear envoys of South Korea, the United States and Japan talked over phone Monday to denounce North Korea's recent missile tests and call on Pyongyang to cease acts that could escalate tensions. Noh Kyu-duk, special representative for Korean Peninsula peace and security affairs, his U.S. counterpart Sung Kim, and Japan's Takehiro Funakoshi held the phone conversation amid rising tension on the Korean Peninsula over the possibility of Pyongyang's intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) system test.The trio denounced the North's recent spate of ballistic missile launches as violations of U.N. Security Council resolutions and urged it to return to dialogue at an early date, the ministry said in a release. They also agreed to closely monitor Pyongyang's moves and remain in close cooperation to respond to its acts, it added. Meanwhile, South Korea and the U.S. accused Pyongyang on Friday of having tested a new ICBM system on Feb. 27 and March 5 ahead of a full-range missile test. Seoul and Washington have detected signs that North Korea is preparing to conduct another ICBM firing as early as this week, according to informed sources. Concerns have continued that the North could engage in more provocative acts as it made a veiled threat in January to lift its yearslong self-imposed moratorium on nuclear and ICBM tests.
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  • U.N. recruiting new special rapporteur for North Korea human rights
    [Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in North Korea Tomas Ojea Quintana says he has seen no improvement in North Korea in the three years he has been the special rapporteur (File photo by=Denis Balibouse/Reuters)] SEOUL: The human rights body of the United Nations is recruiting a new special rapporteur for North Korea's human rights and plans to name the successor in June, its website said Sunday. The successful candidate will be announced at the 50th session of the U.N. Human Rights Council slated to kick off on June 13, according to the website. The new candidate, if selected, will replace Tomas Ojea Quintana, who has served in the position since 2016, and formally assume the post from August. The special rapporteur position was first created in 2004 to investigate and report to the U.N. Human Rights Council and General Assembly on the human rights situation in the reclusive regime in light of international human rights law. The rapporteur can serve up to six years based on renewal on an annual basis. Quintana, an Argentine lawyer and human rights expert, succeeded Marzuki Darusman of Indonesia as the special rapporteur for North Korea in 2016.
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  • North Korea outlet slams South Korea for denouncing satellite project as ICBM development
    [A photo released by the North’s official Korean Central News Agency on Friday shows Kim Jong-un visiting a satellite launch site. North Korea’s recent missile tests are related to Pyongyang’s work on a new intercontinental ballistic missile system, according to the US government. (Photo by= Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP)] SEOUL: A North Korean propaganda machine slammed South Korea on Sunday for denouncing what Pyongyang claims were recent satellite launch tests as efforts to develop a new intercontinental ballistic missile, arguing it is a double standard to take issue with space projects that all countries are entitled to undertake. South Korea and the United States have recently announced their assessment that Pyongyang's purported satellite tests on Feb. 27 and March 5 were part of efforts to develop a new ICBM system ahead of a possible full-range rocket launch. The North has claimed the launches were for "reconnaissance satellite" development. "Many countries launch military satellites," Uriminjokkiri, one of the North's propaganda websites, said in a commentary. "It is a shameless and brigandish act to maliciously defame only our reconnaissance satellite launch preparations and talk even about sanctions." It also said the South's denunciation is nothing more than "paranoiac convulsion." The outlet also claimed that the reconnaissance satellite project is part of the country's five-year defense science and weapons system development plan. "It is wrong for South Korean authorities, who are bent on developing various missiles and space launch vehicles targeting us, to put a double standard on our legitimate space development plans and exercise of our self-defense right," it said.
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  • Yoon's spokesperson urges North Korea to return to dialogue
    [Mr Yoon called his win a "victory of the great South Korean people". (Photo by= Getty Images)] SEOUL: North Korea should return to the dialogue table for complete denuclearization, a spokesperson for President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol said Sunday, as Pyongyang accelerates efforts to develop a new intercontinental ballistic missile. Kim Eun-hye, the spokesperson, made the remark during a press briefing, but she declined to discuss details, including what was discussed when national security adviser Suh Hoon briefed Yoon on pending issues a day earlier "We hope North Korea will come out for dialogue for complete denuclearization," Kim said when asked for comment on North Korea's moves to develop a new ICBM. South Korea and the United States have recently announced their assessment that Pyongyang's purported satellite tests on Feb. 27 and March 5 were part of efforts to develop a new ICBM system ahead of a possible full-range missile launch. The North has claimed the launches were for "reconnaissance satellite" development.
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  • North Korean state media reports Yoon's election as South Korea's new president
    [Yoon Suk-yeol in Seoul on March 9. (Photo by= SeongJoon Cho/Bloomberg)] SEOUL: North Korea's state media on Friday reported conservative opposition candidate Yoon Suk-yeol was elected as South Korea's president in the first coverage of the news by Pyongyang since the election. "Yoon Suk-yeol, a candidate of the conservative opposition 'People Power Party,' won by a narrow margin in the 20th 'presidential election' held in South Korea on March 9," the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said in a one-paragraph report. Yoon was elected president earlier Thursday with the smallest-ever 0.73 percentage-point gaps over liberal Democratic Party (DP) candidate Lee Jae-myung. It is deemed unusual for the North to be so quick in responding to the election of a conservative South Korean president through a report by its state-controlled media, even with his or her name mentioned. The South's conservative leaders have taken a relatively hawkish stance on the nuclear-armed North. The KCNA carried a report on the election of Park Geun-hye in 2012 a day after in a brief report without using her name. When Lee Myung-bak won the presidential election in 2007, North Korean media kept mum for a week.
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  • North Korea leader visits satellite launch test site capable of ICBM launches
    [In this undated photo provided by the North Korean government on Friday, March 11, 2022, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, left, visits the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground in Tongchang-ri, North Korea. Independent journalist was not given access to cover the been depicted in this image which was distributed. The content of this image is as provided and cannot be independently verified. Korean language watermark on image as provided by source read: "KCNA" which is the abbreviation for Korean Central News Agency. (Photo by=KCNA via KNS)] SEOUL: Pyongyang's state media said on Friday that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited the country's satellite test site on the west coast and called for its modernization. The North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) announced his visit to the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground, as Seoul and Washington jointly concluded Pyongyang's recent purported "reconnaissance satellite" development tests were those of a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) system. Kim's inspection came amid concerns that the North could engage in further provocative acts namely an ICBM test under the disguise of a satellite launch following its veiled threat in January to lift its self-imposed moratorium on nuclear and ICBM tests. Additionally, Kim gave instructions about the "matters of expanding the capacity of the engine ground jet test site, ensuring the convenience of carrier rocket transport and improving the ecological environment around the launching ground." Observers see what the North claims to be a space development program as part of efforts to enhance its ICBM capabilities. Meanwhile, South Korea and the United States have concluded that the North's "reconnaissance satellite" development tests on Feb. 27 and Saturday were aimed at testing a new ICBM system ahead of a potential full-range ICBM launch. The unification ministry handling inter-Korean affairs again urged Pyongyang to respond to calls for dialogue.
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  • Official says North Korea tests new ICBM system, U.S. to impose additional sanctions
    [A new North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile is displayed during a military parade marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea, in Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung Square on Saturday. (File photo by=KCNA / KNS / VIA AFP-JIJI)] WASHINGTON: North Korea's two most recent missile launches were aimed at testing a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) system ahead of a possible full-fledged ICBM test, a senior U.S. official said Thursday, adding the U.S. plans to take action that will hinder Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs. North Korea earlier confirmed launching missiles on Feb. 27 and Saturday (Seoul time), claiming they were aimed at developing a reconnaissance satellite. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the new ICBM was first unveiled during a 2020 parade in Pyongyang. John Kirby, press secretary of the U.S. Department of Defense, said the U.S. normally doesn’t disclose details of North Korean missile launches, but decided to do so "because we believe that the international community must speak in a united voice to oppose the further development and proliferation of such weapons by the DPRK." "While the United States remains committed to a diplomatic approach, we will continue to take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the United States and our allies," he added. U.S. Indo-Pacific Command on Thursday said it has intensified intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance collection activities around the Korean Peninsula as of Monday. The U.S. administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, underlined the U.S.' commitment to dialogue with the North.
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  • South Korea's next leader Yoon vows future-oriented ties with Japan
    [Yoon Suk-yeol, South Korea's president-elect, celebrates at his campaign office in the National Assembly in Seoul, on Wednesday. Former top prosecutor, Yoon won election as South Korea’s president. (Photo by=BLOOMBERG)] SEOUL: South Korean President-elect Yoon Suk Yeol of the country's conservative main opposition People Power Party vowed Thursday to build a future-oriented relationship with Japan, its neighbor with which ties have been strained over wartime issues, Kyodo reported. "South Korea-Japan relations especially need to focus on finding what kind of future movement would benefit both countries and the people of the two countries," Yoon told reporters in Seoul hours after defeating the ruling Democratic Party's Lee Jae Myung in a tight race, which was confirmed by the National Election Commission. Seoul and Tokyo have been at odds due to several issues stemming from Japan's 1910-1945 colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula, including compensation for South Koreans who were forced to work at Japanese companies and military brothels before and during the war. Bilateral relations especially worsened during the presidency of Moon Jae In as South Korea's Supreme Court ordered Japanese firms in 2018 to pay wartime labor compensation. The rulings angered Tokyo, which claims all of the wartime issues have been settled under a bilateral treaty signed in 1965. The president-elect also said he’ll firmly deal with North Korea but leave the door for inter-Korean dialogue open.
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