• 최종편집 2023-08-07(월)

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  • 윤석열 대통령, 국정 지지율 1%p 하락 35%
    [365산업경제뉴스DB] 윤석열 대통령의 국정 지지율이 소폭 하락했다는 여론조사 결과가 나왔다.4일 한국갤럽이 지난달 30일부터 지난 1일까지 전국 만 18세 이상 1002명을 대상으로 조사한 결과 윤 대통령 직무에 대한 긍정 평가는 35%, 부정 평가는 57%로 각각 나타났다.한편 이번 조사는 무선(95%)·유선(5%) 전화조사원 인터뷰 방식으로 진행됐고 오차범위는 95% 신뢰수준 ±3.1%포인트, 응답률은 10.4%이다.자세한 내용은 중앙선거여론조사심의위원회 홈페이지를 참조하면 된다.
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  • '병역법 위반' 축구 국가대표 출신 석현준
    [석현준/ 365산업경제뉴스DB] 병무청의 해외 체류 허가 기간 내에 귀국하지 않은 혐의로 재판에 넘겨진 축구 국가대표 출신 공격수 석현준이 1심에서 징역형의 집행유예를 선고받았다.수원지법 형사13단독 김재학 판사는 1일 병역법 위반 혐의로 기소된 석현준에게 징역 8월에 집행유예 2년을 선고했다. 석현준은 프랑스에서 체류하던 중 병무청으로부터 2019년 6월 3일까지 귀국하라는 통보에도 불구하고 정당한 사유 없이 정해진 기간에 귀국하지 않은 혐의로 재판에 넘겨졌다.그는 2018년 11월 프랑스로 출국한 뒤 2019년 3월 국외 이주 목적으로 체류 기간 연장 신청을 했으나 거부됐다.앞서 검찰은 "피고인은 귀국하라는 통보 이전에 여러 차례 해외 체류 연장신청을 했으며, 귀국 통보일로부터 1년이 지난 시점에서야 귀국했다."라며 징역 1년을 구형한 바 있다.
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  • 더불어민주당 대표 이재명 "윤석열 정부는 3·1운동 정신을 망각하고 훼손"
    [365산업경제뉴스 DB] 더불어민주당 대표 이재명은 지난 1일 "윤석열 정부가 3·1운동 정신을 망각하고, 훼손하고 있다"고 주장했다.이 대표는 이날 3·1절을 맞아 자신의 사회관계망서비스(SNS)에 "미래지향적 한일 관계를 만들자는데 반대할 국민은 없지만, 역사적 책임과 합당한법적 배상 없이 신뢰 구축은 불가능하다며"며 이같이 밝혔다. 이 대표는 "강제징용 피해자를 관계 개선의 걸림돌로 취급하며 우리 기업에 책임을 떠넘기는 일, 국민 안전이 달린 후쿠시마 원전 오염수 방류에 침묵하는 일, '다케시마의 날'에 진행되는 한미일 군사훈련 모두 굴종·종속 외교"라고 비판했다.이어 "윤석열 정부가 부디 역사적 교훈을 잊지 않길 바란다"며 "선열들께서 목 놓아 외친 자주독립은 '내 운명을 내 손으로 결정하지 못한 채 외세에 끌려다녀선 안 된다'는 자각에 근거했다"고 강조했다.이 대표는 "미중 갈등의 파고와 한반도 위기 속 해법은 이분법적 양자택일 외교가 아니라 국민을 지키는 '국익 중심 실용 외교'"라며 "민주당은 3·1정신을 계승해 '국익 중심 실용주의 외교'의 길로 나아가도록 책임을 다하겠다"고 말했다.그러면서 "윤석열 정부가 평화와 국익을 저버리려 한다면 온힘을 다해 견제할 것"이라며 "그것이 모진 고난 앞에서도 자주독립의 열망을 잃지 않은 선열들의 헌신을 기리는 길"이라고 덧붙였다.
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  • 이재명 체포 동의안 부결..
    [365산업경제뉴스DB] 이재명 더불어민주당 체포동의안(체포안)이 국회에서 최종 부결됐다. 찬성이 반대보다 1표 더 나왔지만 기권·무효표가 20표 발생해 과반 찬성을 얻지는 못했다.27일 김진표 국회의장은 국회 본회의에서 이같은 체포안 표결 결과를 발표했다. 표결은 이날 오후 3시쯤 무기명으로 진행됐지만 개표 중 부(不)와 무효표를 가늠할 수 없는 표가 2장 나와 30여분간 개표가 지연된 바 있다.이날 표결 결과는 총 297명 중 찬성 139명, 반대 138명, 무표 11명, 기권 9명이다. 체포동의안 가결 요건은 재적 과반의 출석, 출석 과반의 찬성이 가결 요건이라 149명 이상의 찬성이 필요했다.민주당이 당초 목표했던 170표 이상의 부결표 확보에는 실패했다. 이날 민주당은 169인 전원이 표결에 참석했지만 정황상 민주당 측에서 30여 표의 이탈이 발생한 것으로 보인다. 국민의힘은 이날 재적 122명 중 114명이, 정의당은 6명 전원이 참석했다. 국민의힘과 정의당 모두 체포안 가결 의사를 밝힌 바 있다.
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  • 더불어민주당의 대표 이재명 체포동의안 국회 본회의 보고... 27일 표결 예정
    [사진출처 = 이재명 인스타그램] 이재명 더불어민주당의 대표 체포동의안이 지난 24일 국회 본회의에 보고됐다. 오는 27일 표결이 이뤄질 예정이다. 이재명 대표 체포동의안은 이날 오후 국회에서 열린 본회의에서 보고됐다.앞서 서울중앙지검 반부패수사1부(엄희준 부장검사)·3부(강백신 부장검사)는 지난 16일 특정경제범죄가중처벌법상 배임·이해충돌방지법 위반, 부패방지법 위반, 특정범죄가중처벌법상 뇌물·범죄수익은닉규제법위반 혐의로 이 대표에 대해 구속영장을 청구했다.
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  • 윤석열 대통령 "소아 의료체계 강화"
    [365산업경제뉴스DB] 윤석열 대통령이 "아이들이 건강하게 자랄 수 있도록 정부가 소아 의료체계 강화를 위해 모든 지원을 아끼지 않겠다"고 밝혔다.지난 (22일) 윤석열 대통령은 서울대학교 어린이병원을 찾아 의료진, 전문가, 소아 환자 가족 등과 소아진료 정책간담회를 갖고 이같이 전했다. 이어 "소아의료체계, 긴급 의료체계, 24시간 상담, 중증 소아진료체계 등 보강을 해서 아이들이 잘 커나갈 수 있도록 의료계와 힘을 합쳐서 해야겠다는 판단이 든다"고 말했다.
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실시간 정치 기사

  • North Korea propaganda machine calls for strong armed forces on uprising anniversary
    [North Korea maintains one of the largest standing militaries in the world, with the Korean People's Army (KPA) boasting an active-duty strength of nearly 1.3 million personnel. (Photo from Business Insider/ KCNA)] SEOUL: A North Korean propaganda outlet on Tuesday marked the anniversary of a 1919 uprising against Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule with calls for loyalty to the leader and strong-armed forces. Meari, a propaganda website, said the March 1 Independence Movement gave lessons that such an uprising can succeed only when led by "an outstanding leader" and that armed forces are the only way to deal with armed aggressors. "Our people risked sacrifices and fought bravely but could not overcome the enemy's brutal crackdown," Meari said in an article, highlighting the need for building strong armed forces. It also slammed Japan for trying to evade responsibility for wartime atrocities. "If it committed a crime, it should acknowledge that and provide compensation," the website said in a separate article, referring to Tokyo's sexual enslavement of Korean women during World War II. "Up until today, however, Japan is trying to evade its responsibility while distorting history."
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  • North Korea's leader urges 'devoted march for people'
    [Leader Kim Jong-un also urged the secretaries to "transform the ideological consciousness of people" and "turn into a reality our party’s policy of promoting the people's well-being." (Photo by= KCNA via EPA/NY Post)] SEOUL: North Korea’s state media announced on Tuesday that its leader Kim Jong-un has urged "a devoted forced march for the people" and their ideological education in his speech concluding a three-day conference of the ruling Workers' Party. Kim made the appeal Monday during an address for the closure of the 2nd Conference of Secretaries of Primary Committees of the Workers' Party of Korea held in Pyongyang, the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said. The conference, the first since late 2016, opened Saturday, as the North tries to tighten discipline and unity among party ranks amid economic woes aggravated by international sanctions and pandemic-driven restrictions. "From now on they should make a devoted forced march for the people in order to preserve the dignity and prestige of our party," the KCNA quoted Kim as saying at the closing ceremony. Kim urged them "to be very humble before the people, regard it as their natural gift and the most worthwhile work to go through thick and thin and devotedly work to ensure the best convenience and life of the people," saying to do so constitutes the main attitude and traits required by the party.'' The leader also urged the secretaries to "transform the ideological consciousness of people" and "turn into a reality our party’s policy of promoting the people's well-being."
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  • Weather agency says another natural quake hits near North Korea's nuclear test site
    [Punggye-ri in Kilju County, North Hamgyong province, is North Korea's only known nuclear test site. (Photo from Google Earth)] SEOUL: Marking the fifth quake to hit the region in just two weeks, South Korea's weather agency reported that a natural earthquake struck near North Korea's nuclear test site again Monday. The 2.1 magnitude quake struck about 33 kilometers north of Kilju, North Hamgyong Province, at 9:31 p.m., the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) said. "It has been analyzed as a natural earthquake," an agency official said. The epicenter was at a latitude of 41.25 degrees north and a longitude of 129.28 degrees east at a depth of 24 km, according to the KMA. The latest quake followed four mild ones, the first at 3.1 magnitude on Feb. 11, the second and third both at 2.3 magnitude on Feb. 14, and the fourth at 2.5 magnitude on Feb. 15. All were natural quakes.
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  • North Korea officials pledge to shore up 'shortcomings' in carrying out ruling party tasks
    [North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (center) speaking at the 2nd Conference of Secretaries of Primary Committees of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) in Pyongyang. (Photo from Daily Express)] SEOUL: Participants in an ongoing gathering of North Korea's ruling party officials have acknowledged "shortcomings" in implementing party tasks and pledged to improve them, Pyongyang's state media reported Monday.The 2nd Conference of Secretaries of Primary Committees of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), the first since late 2016, opened Saturday, as the North appears intent to tighten discipline and unity among party ranks amid economic woes aggravated by sanctions and pandemic-driven restrictions. "Speakers reflected on the fact that they failed to do the ideological and political work positively and to fulfill the functions and role of primary Party committees satisfactorily," the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said of Sunday's discussions during the second day of the conference. "They also referred to the fact that they failed to make guidance based on policies and the political guidance run through Party leadership of economic work," it added.In his opening remarks Saturday, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un addressed the "serious deviations of not meeting the requirement of the developing reality" despite the growth of many primary organizations of the party, according to the KCNA. The conference reviews the past five years of work of the primary party organizations. Its inaugural meeting was held in December 2016.
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  • North Korea claims to have conducted test to develop 'reconnaissance satellite' seen as missile launch
    [The latest launch, the first in just under a month, came 10 days ahead of South Korea's presidential election and amid the armed conflict in Ukraine following Russia's invasion of the country last week. (Photo from Yahoo NZ)] SEOUL: North Korea claimed Monday to have carried out an "important test" for developing a "reconnaissance satellite" despite South Korea's characterization of it as a ballistic missile launch. Sunday’s test came amid concerns the North could fire a long-range rocket under the disguise of a satellite launch or conduct other provocative acts following its veiled threat last month to suspend its voluntary moratorium on nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) tests."The DPRK National Aerospace Development Administration (NADA) and the Academy of Defense Science conducted an important test on Sunday under the plan of developing a reconnaissance satellite," the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said. DPRK stands for the North's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The test helped confirm the "characteristics and working accuracy of high-definition photographing system, data transmission system and attitude control devices," the KCNA added. South Korea's military has said the North fired a ballistic missile toward the East Sea on Sunday morning in its eighth show of force this year.The development of a reconnaissance satellite is among the key defense projects that the North unveiled during its major congress of the ruling Workers' Party in January last year. Some observers viewed Sunday's test as an ominous prelude to preparations for a long-range rocket test.
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  • North Korea slams U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy as anti-China 'document of confrontation'
    [Last week, Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a letter to the North's leader Kim Jong-un to express gratitude for his messages about the Beijing Winter Olympics, according to the North's state media. (File photo by= Getty Images/ K. Frayer)] SEOUL: North Korea’s foreign ministry said Monday that the country criticized the United States for its recently unveiled Indo-Pacific strategy, calling it a "document of confrontation" to isolate China, its Previously this month, the White House released a document on its strategy on the region, highlighting a focus on marshaling "collective capacity" from a network of regional allies and partners amid an intensifying Sino-U.S. rivalry.In a post on its foreign ministry's website, the North criticized the report, saying that it is the U.S.' "intention to refurbish its long-term plan to isolate China in the Asia-Pacific region." "The report on the 'U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy' issued this time is a document of confrontation which is run, from A to Z, with containment of China," it said. "The U.S. act of deliberately aggravating tension by targeting a specific country will face ever-increasing condemnation, opposition, and denouncement from the international society as it is the root cause of creating constant instability in the region," it added.Pyongyang's criticism came as the leaders of the two sides have highlighted their close ties. Last week, Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a letter to the North's leader Kim Jong-un to express gratitude for his messages about the Beijing Winter Olympics, according to the North's state media.
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  • SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has attended a major ruling party event held in Pyongyang, the country's state media reported Sunday. In a
    [North Korean state media image of a hypersonic missile test in January. (File photo by= Reuters)] SEOUL: Seoul's foreign ministry announced that senior South Korean and U.S. government officials handling North Korea affairs had phone consultations Sunday on Pyongyang's latest missile test.Noh Kyu-duk, special representative for Korean Peninsula peace and security affairs, and his American counterpart Sung Kim shared their assessments of the North's move and expressed "deep concern and regret," it said. Earlier in the day, the North lobbed a ballistic missile into the East Sea in its eighth show of force this year, according to the South's military. Noh and Sung agreed that the allies will maintain a firm combined defense posture and continue diplomatic efforts to engage North Korea in dialogue on the basis of their close coordination, the ministry added.
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  • North Korea leader urges party officials to redouble push for 'socialist construction'
    [" Kim stressed the need to share experience gained in improving work and learn a lesson from mistakes," it said in an English-language report. (Photo by=KCNA VIA REUTERS)] SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has attended a major ruling party event held in Pyongyang, the country's state media reported Sunday. In an opening address at the 2nd Conference of Secretaries of Primary Committees of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) on Saturday, he talked about the "serious deviations of not meeting the requirement of the developing reality" despite the growth of a lot of primary organizations of the party, as well as progress in their "position and role," according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). "He stressed the need to share experience gained in improving work and learn a lesson from mistakes," it said in an English-language report. The gathering was the second of its kind, with the inaugural session held in December 2016. It’s meant to review the past five years of work of the primary party organizations and find a major way of improving their work, the KCNA said. Kim announced the opening of the conference, saying it will be "another important milestone" in further strengthening the lower-echelon organizations of the party and making innovations in the operation of the party as required by the new stage of struggle to achieve the overall development of the "socialist construction," it added.
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  • Report says North Korea ranked one of worst countries for political rights and civil liberties
    [The North Korean side of the border is seen from a South Korean observatory in the southern boundary of the Demilitarized Zone dividing the two Koreas in Paju on Dec. 17. | (Photo by=AFP-JIJI)] SEOUL: North Korea has been rated as one of the worst countries in terms of freedom, a recent report by the U.S.-funded freedom watchdog showed Friday.In an annual Freedom House report titled, "Freedom in the World 2022," the North received a combined freedom score of 3 out of 100 -- zero points for political rights and 3 points for civil liberties. It ranked only above Turkmenistan at 2 points, and South Sudan and Syria with just 1 point each among 195 countries assessed by the organization.The report came amid concerns about human rights conditions in the North that has been struggling with economic woes aggravated by global sanctions and pandemic-driven border closures.
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  • Report says Vietnam monitoring bank accounts of North Korean embassy employees
    [A file photo of a government building in Hanoi, Vietnam(Photo from Pinterest/ bambootravel UK)] SEOUL: An international organization's report showed Thursday that the Vietnamese government is closely monitoring bank accounts of North Koreans in the country as part of efforts to implement U.N. sanctions against Pyongyang.The Southeast Asian country has taken proactive measures against Pyongyang's activities prohibited under U.N. Security Council sanctions, according to an evaluation report on Vietnam's steps to combat money laundering released by the Financial Action Task Force. Based in Paris, the organization is tasked with combating money laundering and terrorism financing. "Regarding potential sanctions evasion, Vietnam has identified 32 bank accounts held by DPRK citizens, primarily embassy employees, which are closely monitored," the report read, using the acronym of North Korea's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.It said the State Bank of Vietnam identified a transaction related to a North Korean embassy employee engaged in commercial activity in March 2017, leading to the closure of three-related accounts. Vietnam has also closed some North Korean businesses, suspended most imports and exports from North Korea and confiscated over 2,000 tons of North Korean coal, it added. "While there are still full diplomatic relations with the DPRK, Vietnam has committed to implementing U.N. Security Council trade and sectoral sanctions and is taking steps to reduce its exposure to trade with the DPRK," the report read.
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